Social media is in our lives, from the way we shop,
communicate, decide, and live.
This infographic does a great job at breaking down the relevance of social
media in mobile use, business, personal life, and
communication. I have been a
big fan of social media and technology early on. The interesting thing about
social media is that the more people use it, the more it is woven into our
daily lives, the more rich and useful it becomes. We are only at the tip of the
iceberg here. The fact that one in seven minutes spent online is on Facebook (a
platform that is very anti-social and annoying for it’s users) shows
how much more there is to grow. We haven’t even got to the point where good
competition is out there for communication tools like Facebook.
Google+ is emerging and many people are training
themselves to spend equal time on each network. Being first (not technically) in the mind of the user,
Facebook is still a habit that will take time to break, but people are fickle
and enjoy the latest greatest thing. This will eventually overturn the
dominance of Facebook in my opinion due to the fact they continually build
their system for their own needs and not the needs of their users. There are
many other opportunities for social networks especially in privacy and
features. Having the largest userbase rules now but the time will come when
cross platform smaller private networks will change this, much like blogs did
to major news platforms.
Mobile users check their phones about 150 times a day on
average. Most businesses are not thinking
about this and it is essentially an internet refresh because as laggards are
finally getting a website, the early adopters are focusing on mobile where the
competition is lower giving mobile adopters a new internet. When it comes to
social media strategy, it is best to adopt a mobile home strategy. This means
you can move your whole strategy to another lot (platform or environment). The
days of building permanent structures are over. Today it is one in seven
minutes on Facebook, but tomorrow it could be something else. Is your business
ready? Positioning and mobility has never been as important. Companies must
develop and exploit new technologies and platforms and then be able to
replicate or move their operations quickly. It is an exciting time for social
media and business. Embrace change.
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